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Our Neighbor Haunted Us with Demon with Spell

Buse O. is telling about the black magic done to her mother, who was pregnant with her, how this ruined her life, and the things she suffered during this process.

Our Neighbor Put a Spell on My Mother

Our Neighbor Haunted Us with Demon with Spell

Scary Story – Buse O. – I suffered a lot when I was a kid. Her neighbor put black magic on my mother when she was pregnant with me. Just to disturb the peace of our family.

My mother had a challenging pregnancy. I was almost stillborn. I was born 2 kilos and 150 grams. I was really small and weak at birth. The doctors said that I’m going to die but I survived. I used to cry and be scared all the time when I was a baby.

My fears increased as I grew older… I had siblings. We used to sleep in the same room with my siblings and I always cried and saw shadows at night. I was never able to sleep in the dark. I used to hear voices and wheezing sounds.

I used to leave the doors open even when I went into the bathroom and never closed them. Otherwise, I couldn’t get a bath because I was not able to breathe if I closed the doors.

A Long Black Thing…

One night, I had a dream. I don’t remember the year but there was an earthquake that year. Suddenly a long black thing appeared and held out its hand to me. It said something to me, but I didn’t understand. When I woke up, I was at the hospital and couldn’t talk. I remained in this condition for a long time.

When I told them what happened by writing it down, my mother could not gather herself for a while. Because she saw the same thing in the past and visited a hodja. The hodja broke the spell on her and she didn’t see it again. However, the problem is those things left my mother and started to haunt me this time.

After I left the hospital, my mother took me to a hodja. The hodja gave me something to drink. I can say that I was some kind of unconscious for a while after drinking it. Nothing is clear…
I only remember that I hurt. I also remember the face of the hodja and an amulet.

Say Prayers All the Time

Later, I got better. I never had similar problems until I married. However, the problems started again after the marriage. The hodja we visited before was dead and it was almost impossible to find a good one. However, we managed to find someone.

The hodja we found said prayers from the Quran to break the spell and said, “My daughter always says prayers. Otherwise, they will come again.”

Now, whenever I sleep without saying prayers, I see them. Those voices and shadows are next to me. I still cannot sleep in the dark.

I’m 27 years old, I have one son, but I cannot sleep alone. Since I got used to it, it is not strange to me anymore. Every night, I read Ayetel Kursi [1]Ayetel Kursi: The special name given to the 255th verse of the Baqarah in the Quran. It is believed that it can protect people from djinns and demons when read. 3 times and sleep.



1 Ayetel Kursi: The special name given to the 255th verse of the Baqarah in the Quran. It is believed that it can protect people from djinns and demons when read.

368 thoughts on “Our Neighbor Haunted Us with Demon with Spell”

  1. 100 USDT алу шн тркелу

    I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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  3. Pieregistrējieties, lai sanemtu 100 USDT

    I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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